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Copeland Coaching Podcast

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Oct 25, 2016

Episode 117 is live! This week, we talk with Chip Cavagnaro in Memphis, TN.

Chip is an employment lawyer at Evans Petree. He represents clients in state and federal courts in all aspects of labor and employment law. He was selected by his peers for inclusion in the The Best Lawyers in America 2017 in the area of Labor and Employment Litigation for the second year. Chip is also a member of the Society of Human Resources Management and the Labor and Employment Law Section of the Memphis Bar Association.

On today's episode, Chip shares his tips on employment law. Topics include: illegal interview questions, getting an offer in writing, and when to seek outside help.

Note: This episode is meant to provide general tips. It does not offer specific advice for one situation. If you have a specific issue that you need help with, it is recommended that you contact an employment lawyer in your area.

Listen and learn more! You can play the podcast here, or download it on iTunes or Stitcher.

To learn more about Chip or to contact him for assistance, check out his website at

Thanks to everyone for listening! And, thank you to those who sent me questions. You can send your questions to You can also send me questions via Twitter. I’m @CopelandCoach. And, on Facebook, I am Copeland Coaching. Don’t forget to help me out. Subscribe on iTunes and leave me a review!